My Dream Link

Even after being in touch with the spirit world from a little girl and after formally developing for around five years, I still don’t feel confident enough to charge clients for a mediumship reading.  I have always said that sub-standard mediumship will never be an avenue for me. If I am going to do this, it has to be solid, evidential validation that life continues after death.  It’s not only that I am a perfectionist with most of what I do, but it is to do with helping a grieving person.  I don’t want to leave them with a shadow of a doubt that their loved one is reaching out to them.  So, I continue to learn, study and practice the art of mediumship.

One way to practice is to have volunteers come and see me for a reading.  I’ve been trying to do at least one practice reading a week (so I can also fit in my therapy work, courses and tarot readings). The last session I had with a very lovely volunteer, was the kind of level of mediumship I’m looking for.  It wasn’t just the names that were correct, it was more about the story.  But let me start from the beginning:

Our appointment was scheduled at 9.30am on a Friday morning.  On that very morning, before I awoke to start the day, I was having a vivid dream.  In that dream, a young man came to visit me, for an appointment.

“I’m here to see your client” he said, casually.  In my dream, I shuffled some papers around and then looked at the time.

“Oh you are early, she isn’t coming until 9.30am”.

“Ok, no probs, I will go for breakfast, is there anywhere that does good eggs around here?” he asked, with an infectious energy that I liked.

“Yeah sure, the café across the road.  See you a bit later!” I shouted as he breezed out of the door and I continued with what I was doing (I was in some sort of village hall on a high street).

When I woke up, I wondered if that man has anything to do with that morning’s client? I had a feeling he was my first link.

When my client came, I asked her if she knew a youngish man in spirit.  Now my interpretation of young can sometimes be out a little.  I said to her, did she know a man who didn’t get past 50.  She said her dad died when he was 30.  I instantly knew this guy was her dad, but I feel she needed much more validation.

So, I linked in with him again, and I started to obtain information about him (how do you link in?  You sit, close your eyes and ask for him to come forth, waiting for any visions or symbols or feelings in your body, ready for you to interpret).  Now, my client would have only been four years old when her dad died.  So, her memories were limited.  I did nonetheless get some information on him and we recorded the session and she let her mum have a listen, who confirmed that we had her deceased husband there (one key piece of information was how he died, I asked him in my mind and I was drawn to put my hand over my heart, he died of a heart attack).

The exciting thing about this is as follows:

  • As I’ve always suspected, we do connect to family and friends who have died whilst we sleep. Some remember it, some do not.

  • That the spirit knows that she was coming to see me, there is some sort of appointment system going on that side of the veil, as there is this side.

Something even more amazing came out of that reading.  I connected to my client’s grandfather.  It was quite clear that this man had been estranged from his daughter (my client’s mum) as she grew up.  He felt regretful, sorry and irresponsible.  He also mentioned that he had another child, a son, that no one knew about.  Obviously, this is big news, but it just flowed off my tongue, this was more of a knowing, I just knew.  My client had absolutely no idea, she stressed that her mum had never said anything about an uncle, but she promised to check all the same.

That evening, I received a text from my client.  She couldn’t believe it, her mum confirmed that she did in-fact have a half-brother that my client had no idea about, her mum’s estranged dads’ other child. I have to say; I was pretty elated by this!  This is what it tells us:

  • As mediums, we are often suspected as having strong telepathy skills and being able to read the minds of others, therefore not connecting to a spirit but actually reading the memories of the sitter.  This cannot be the case with my client, she had no idea that her grandfather had another child, that she had a half-uncle.  Her grandfather knew her mum knew though, and he was right!

There was more great evidence, that my client kindly fed back to me after our session. Good evidence depends on lots of factors, how good and confident the spirit is at communicating, how clear your guide is at facilitating, how you are able to read clearly the signs, symbols, images, feelings and thoughts being projected on to you as the medium.

My development continues on this fascinating path, hopefully I will have more interesting accounts to share with you in the coming months!

Until next time,

Tanya Short

Tanya's Tarot Photo

Who am I?  I am Tanya, an almost 40-year-old psychic medium, professional tarot reader, reiki master and author.  I run a Holistic Practice at my home town in Essex and I love to teach the Positive Law Of Attraction and to write about my really awesome experiences during my crazy yet amazing spiritual journey!  Find me at: (FB: @OraHolisticWellbeing) (FB: @Tanya’sTarot)


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