Aliens Walk Amongst Us

There is one thing having my very own profound spiritual experiences to write about, but when I get the chance to listen to other stories, well that really excites me.  Because it validates and strengthens my resolve that there is more to this 3D reality than meets our eyes.

Recently, a lovely friend and member of my psychic circle shared the most fascinating of past encounters.

I want to put a caveat in here before I tell her story, in that the lady who told me this is one that I trust inexplicably.  She is a gifted medium yet solidly has her feet on the ground, there isn’t anything airy fairy about her, she says it how it is, and she questions everything.  I feel it’s important that I tell you that, because this next story is so unreal but equally fascinating!

The reason why she shared her story is because it was the end of our meditation class and she noted that she struggles with meditation and to truly switch off.  We asked why and she said she believes it might be from a weird experience she had once at a trance mediumship event.  Trance allows an experienced medium to enter a very deep state of meditation so that a spirit can literally “take over” the medium and channel information directly through them.  Often, the medium may change their mannerisms, accent, even start to look different as the messages are conveyed.  I will now paraphrase my friend’s story, just as she told us;

“So, there I was at this trance mediumship circle.  I had never done trance before; this was a totally new experience for me.  I sat with the others as the medium who would be going into trance sat in the centre of our circle and she had another medium sitting directly next to her, holding her hand.  Apparently, this is to keep the trance medium grounded throughout the session as the energy used can be very draining and could be detrimental to her health.

Once she went into her trance, she began to talk, and she did sound different.  I found this fascinating, until she announced that she was an alien from another Universe.  I must admit, I was smiling inside and looked away.  Now, I’m a Medium and obviously I believe in spirits and life after death…but ETs?  I’m not so sure.  So, whilst this is going on, inside I’m questioning everything.

Suddenly, the medium stopped talking then addressed the circle directly and said “There is someone in this circle who does not believe me”. 

The hairs went up on the back of my neck, I felt a little self-conscious.  I was showing no outward sign that I did not believe her, I was just sitting as was everyone else was in the circle.

The trance medium then proceeded to point her finger at each member of the group, saying, “not you, not you, not you” and as she came to me, stopped and stared me in the eye and said “it’s you, you do not believe”. 

I must admit at this point I was horrified, plus felt a little flustered with all eyes on me.  The medium sitting with her, asked me to stand up and approach them in the centre.

I willingly did what she asked, not sure what was about to happen.

The medium took my hand and told me to “Feel this”.  I wasn’t sure what she meant until I felt what can only be described as a charge of electricity go up from the soles of my feet and travel so fast all the way up my body and out of the top of my head.  I was astounded by this physical sensation and not only that, I saw a clear vision in my mind’s eye.  As the medium gripped my hand, I watched aliens that live and walk amongst us here on Earth.  It was abundantly clear to me at that point, we are not alone, there are Aliens amongst us, and we have absolutely no idea. 

Once she let go of my hand, she asked me if I believe now?  I nodded my head and walked back to my space in the circle.  For the rest of the evening, I couldn’t wait to leave and process what had just happened.

As I travelled home, I played the whole thing repeatedly in my mind.  It was utterly unreal, yet it happened to me. 

That night in bed, I finally fell into a deep sleep.  I was rudely awoken a few hours later, by a solid hand tugging on my right ankle which yanked me across the bed toward the end.  In my horror, I gripped on to my duvet, looked up and right into the face of an alien.  I know this part is hard to believe, but it happened!  I screamed for my life which awoke my husband, seeing me half off the bed, asked me what the hell was going on.

I told him that something had grabbed me and was pulling me off the bed, to which he told me not to be silly and go back to sleep.  I must have been dreaming, he protested.  But I wasn’t.  I saw an alien with my own eyes, and it physically pulled me along my bed.

The next morning, I was so traumatised by the whole thing, I went to church.  I felt like I needed to cleanse myself.  Thankfully, nothing ever happened like that again, but it was certainly one of the profoundest moments I have ever had.  I think that is why I can’t meditate, do you?”

She asked the group, as we all burst into laughter.  As she told her story, you could have heard a pin drop and after we had stopped laughing, we said, joking aside, that it was amazing and a validation that there is so much more that we haven’t even scratched the surface of yet.

So, you see, I had to share her story, it was too incredible not too!  Aliens, who live, and walk amongst us……

Until next time,
