The Power Of Therapists

No matter what their specialty is, whether they are healers, massage therapists, psychics or aromatherapists, acupuncturists, the list goes on, I am always so amazed and inspired by the natural healing abilities all of these different modalities.

Last Friday I had a treat day, I had three self-care type experiences booked in for myself, my regular facial, reiki treatment and reading with a psychic.  What I found was on that day, not only did I feel fantastic at the end of it, but I got something from each and every one of those therapists.

For example, during my facial with my lovely therapist, she did a beautiful neck and shoulder massage.  Her hands are particularly hot, there are no surprises that she is a Reiki practitioner also.  After she spent quite a bit of time massaging between my shoulder blades, she asked me if I have pain between my shoulders, on one particular side, as she could feel a heat spot there.  Sure enough, I have a weak area on that very spot that can cause me immense pain if it gets triggered.  My therapist’s healing hands are able to detect heat spots on the client’s bodies, she has done this with others, she can feel the exact area that needs healing.

After this appointment I then went to see a lovely friend and neighbour who I do regular therapy swaps with, it was my turn and I had chosen Reiki.  During the amazing session, at the very end, after feeling deeply relaxed I started to see a vision.  A vision is something that is played out in your mind however, it’s not coming from you.  As I looked into the darkness of my own eyes, suddenly it became sepia and I started to watch what can only be described as a movie scene.  First of all, I saw two Chinese people with masks on which made me think of the Coronavirus outbreak.  Then I was shown different hands, lots and lots and lots of different pairs of hands, all healing, all helping the world to heal.  It is like I was being given a message about how profound and very important healing is, on a natural level as well as a medicinal one.  To back this up, my lovely therapist told me that she saw, in her mind’s eye, a vision of lots of people joined together by their hands….healing.  We were certainly both being shown a message here.

Then, in the evening, I had a psychic reading with a lovely lady I had never met before.  After an incredible 40 minutes or so, where she practically told me everything that I have been thinking, feeling and planning with my business, the most profound bit came.

In January I had a vivid dream that I was sitting in a circle of people, and one person, a young black man, really stood out.  He was wearing old type robes and looking right at me, repeating the word: “Malachi…….Malachi……..Malachi”, I even woke up saying the word.  So, I instantly googled it and Malachi is from Biblical times, translating into “Spirit Messenger”.  I took this as a nice sign that I am on the right path, particularly with my mediumship.

However, fast forward to my reading with the lovely psychic, at the end of the reedling I could see her struggling with a word and then it flew out of her mouth “They are saying, Malachi.  Mean anything to you?”.  The hairs on the back of my arms went up.  I told her about my dream.  The psychic said that not only does she feel that the young black chap was actually a new guide (I had a feeling of this too recently), but this word has something to do also with Reiki.  She told me about a Reiki course, which sounds very much like Malachi and they want me to go on it, she even recommended a Reiki Master for me, which turns out, is my Reiki master!  So, after our session, I contacted my Reiki Master and she told me the course is called “Muny Ki” and is a 3-day course which allows you to receive sacred rites, bringing in much positive change, healing, and transformation, that you can also pass on to others.

So, there you go, three different therapists, three different modalities, and amazing experiences with each.

Your spiritual and emotional wellbeing is so important, never overlook an alternative healer or someone that works with the energies, as this can be powerful stuff, powerful stuff indeed!

Until next time,



Last week I wrote about my current health issue and how worried I was (initially) that I had a far more serious condition.  The consultant really did put my mind at ease.  She told me all about my issue and talked about my forthcoming operation, but she certainly did not indicate that I have anything to worry about.

During my “worry period” between the scan and the consultant appointment, I asked my nan and grandad for a sign that everything would be ok.  For those of you that follow my regular weekly blog posts, you will already know that my nan (especially) is pretty good at giving me a sign from spirit, no kidding, the lady has it licked, she gives signs like a boss, she makes it effortless!

On the very morning of the day I asked for a sign from her, I got one.  It was Sunday and I was doing my normal weekly chore, unloading my Sainsburys food shop.  I always opt for home delivery because it saves me time and I do love the banter with my local driver!

As I did this normal routine, my heart was heavy.  I was still really worried about my health and I had been crying a lot the night before.  As I opened the very last bag, my heart skipped a beat.  There was a big bunch of Spring daffodils inside.  I hadn’t ordered these during my online shop.   I have never ordered flowers in a food shop. I checked the receipt, they were on there, they cost £1 a bunch.  I looked at the bottom of the receipt and remembered that I had a voucher, £1 off my shopping for that week, which I had applied at the checkout point.  That voucher covered the cost of the flowers…..the flowers from nan, telling me that she is thinking of me.

However, a couple of weeks later, I was reading my friends latest blog post, who said she was really chuffed to find that Sainsbury’s had sent her a free bunch of spring daffodils in her home shop delivery that week.  Damn it!  Everyone got the flowers….it wasn’t a sign, well, so I thought!  About 3 days after my friend said about her flowers, I had had a tarot reading with my friend and fellow professional reader, Gaynor.  She gave me the most amazing reading and not only that, she linked up to my nan for me.  At the end of the reading, she said that nan wanted to let me know that she is there and that I must trust in her, especially when it comes to my spiritual work.  She said she is passing me a bunch of yellow flowers.  I couldn’t hide the smile from my face!

Now we can’t forget grandad in this.  On the Thursday evening of the same week, it was time for my circle development class at the Arthur Findlay college.  I am still at that new stage there, where everyone is total strangers, which is brilliant, especially when I get a reading.

A lady called Marie sat in front of me and connected to a male in spirit. She described him to me and I knew she had my grandad.  In her hand she had an oracle card, one that she had been given by the tutor, to help link the spirit to me.  The card said, “Trust in the Unknown”.

“He is telling you to do that. Don’t worry about the unknown, TRUST in the unknown.  He is giving me the name David(his son) and talking about him cutting bread(he had a very unique way of cutting a fresh new loaf, which makes me smile whenever I think about it), he also says you have radiant blue energy all around you(my guide is called Blue) and he is talking about you when you go to bed.  You lift off the two pillows on top of your bed and you have two special pillows you use(this is my exact routine every night –  my special pillows because I get reflux!).  He said he wants to be with you, especially in the work you do, he said he will be around you”. 


As you can imagine, I was thrilled with that reading.  But here is the part that makes me smile.  When I used to rent a treatment room that was connected to a hairdressing salon, I used to have a very whispy spider who sat in the corner of the room.  He was there for about 9 months!  (I thought spiders are supposed to have a ten-day lifespan?).   Everyone who knows me knows that I have a very bad fear of spiders. But I used to let this spider stay. I let him stay because I felt he was my granddads spirit (my grandad has given me a spider surprise on almost every special occasion since he died).  So when I left that room for good, I actually said farewell to my little friend, Mr spider aka grandad Frank.

After the reading with Marie, on the Saturday, I had a client in my treatment room (which is now at home) and as I placed my hands over her eyes, I was drawn to look in the corner of my room.  There was my whispy little friend, the same type of spider (which I haven’t seen since I was in my old treatment room 18 months ago).  I knew instantly it was grandad, just as Marie had said, being with me during my work.  I smiled at him and said he could stay, as long as he doesn’t come near my treatment couch.

I also got another strong sign from spirit that week, this time it was from Blue.

It was during that same night that I had my reading with Marie.

Some of us were chosen to stand up (in front of twenty others!) and do some inspirational speaking.  Each person had to get up and choose a stone from a small basket which had a word on it and then talk about what that word meant to them, words like gratitude or love.

When it was my turn, I picked up my stone with sweaty hands (I was so nervous!). I turned over the stone to see what my word was:


What was I going to say?  What does strength mean to me, mean to anyone?  Then I remembered the card that Marie had for me “Trust in the Unknown”. So this is what I started with, I can’t remember exactly what I said to everyone, I believe it went a little like this:

“What is strength?  Strength is trust, its trust in the unknown.  We all need our own inner strength, to know we can depend on us, above all else, during our life’s journey. From the day we are born to the day we die, we will have our ups and downs, our hard days and our good days and the days in between, we will need inner strength to get us through….but we must know that we are supported, that someone or something has our back…ALWAYS, we are supported in this life by an unseen force, we must Trust In The Unknown”.

Until next time,
